Outside of meow meows and bow wows whom we love A LOT, K goose also loves books. We have one book titled "My Dad" and it is her absolute favorite. The book shows the little bear telling his bear friends how great his dad his, but scares them away because he can roar like a lion etc. etc. Anyway, at the end of the book he gets a suprise visit by his dad and he is SO excited. I have been reading the book at least once a day for weeks and it brings squeals of DaDa everytime. It is great. I am really amazed at her love for books and very excited as I would love to spend weekends reading.
Parts of the body - we have been working on learning where are eyes, ears and nose are. We have had the face, legs, arms down for a while, but now we are learning our neck, back and shoulders. It is fascinating to watch her learn each term after just two or three identifications.
The next couple days are all about fathers day prep. Now what to get DaDa....
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