We played with MoCa this morning. We had a great time playing with her wand and MoCa put on a show jumping on chairs and running around while K goose twirled the wand around. The funniest thing was when K goose wanted the toy at the bottom of the wand back she would hold her hand out the way she does when she wants cashews. It was quite funny.
Tonight she asked to feed MoCa treats even though MoCa wasn't home. She wandered over to the treats cabinet and said meow meow reats. I have been letting her help me feed MoCa her treats to further the relationship. K adores MoCa and MoCa is quite sweet with K running in from whatever room she is in when she hears her crying. MoCa continues to go on our nightly walks with us and is very tolerant of K gooses love, which is a bit intense at times.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Ice cream
We took K goose on light rail last night into downtown. She loved it and we were wandering around downtown until she wandered into the gelato store and started saying i cream iii cream. I was so surprised to realize she knew where ice cream came from I burst into laughter. Of course being the ice cream lover I am I wanted to reward her for her brilliance, but the lack of dinner delayed the ice cream treat for another day. We have only been to that store about 8 times with her. I am glad we don't have ice cream at home, she would never ever eat.
Over the weekend we went back to the fountains in LG. She loved them. We had such a great time playing in the water we climbed to the top of the rocks near the fountains and raised our hands in the air and declared K goose queen of the mountain. Ok the mountain was about one foot, but a mountain nonetheless.
Over the weekend we went back to the fountains in LG. She loved them. We had such a great time playing in the water we climbed to the top of the rocks near the fountains and raised our hands in the air and declared K goose queen of the mountain. Ok the mountain was about one foot, but a mountain nonetheless.
Friday, June 23, 2006
We checked out the home daycare. It looks great - nice teacher, kids from 4mths - 2yrs. Fun toys with nice backyard that is perfect for kids. A great schedule with a focus on learning. New lesson plans every two weeks with summaries for parents on the kids development. Breakfast and lunch home made, tangerine tree for the kids to enjoy tangerines. K goose and I tried one when we were there. Yet it is so hard, how do you leave your little one with a stranger and will she have a good time. The woman is highly recommended as our friends have used her for two years and I am sure we will go with the center, but still a tough choice. The goose is growing up and ready for other kids to play with and new adventures. We have been lucky to have her play at home through this October, yet it is so hard to think that her little world is going to grow and she will be gone during the day.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Flower hunting
Tonight we went flower "spider web" hunting. It was quite amusing to stare at the bushes to try and find a FLOWER. Nice flower spots resulted in high fives from everyone and of course closer inspection. We even sat in our pink car for some of the walk. A rarity as we don't like to sit in our stroller, highchair, bath, car seat or car. We prefer to stand, be carried or walk.
K is a city girl. DaDa took his shoes off to run in the grass. MaMa kept them on and K refused to walk in the grass and preferred to be carried. Her new shoes are giving her blisters so we are hesitant to put them on. Back to Nordstrom for another pair? Regardless grass is not fun to walk in, but concrete is fantastic especially if we are looking for flowers...
Tomorrow we go to check out "school" as Grandma is leaving in the fall and K is off for a big girl adventure. Let's see how it goes.
K is a city girl. DaDa took his shoes off to run in the grass. MaMa kept them on and K refused to walk in the grass and preferred to be carried. Her new shoes are giving her blisters so we are hesitant to put them on. Back to Nordstrom for another pair? Regardless grass is not fun to walk in, but concrete is fantastic especially if we are looking for flowers...
Tomorrow we go to check out "school" as Grandma is leaving in the fall and K is off for a big girl adventure. Let's see how it goes.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Bye Bye
K goose has started to wave to Tmobro and I from inside the house as we leave for work. She sits at the window seat and waves saying MaMa or DaDa with Grandma and one of her meow meows close by. The funniest part is when we get a double wave, both hands in the air waving while she is squealing. We definitely leave the house laughing.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Fathers Day fun
We might be down to one nap! Awesome news as we can predict and plan our days a bit better.
K goose's vocabulary is amazing. The funniest thing though is the way she identifies sunglasses as daokens and spider webs as flowers. I am not sure how she came up with these terms, but it is funny to hear her refer to our daokens. The rest of her words always sound like the word she is trying to say just not complete i.e. wa-wa for water or bal for balloon.
We took K goose to Los Gatos for a walk around town yesterday afternoon after a 2.5 hour nap. She was in a fantastic mood and had so much fun wandering around the town park. In the morning we took DaDa to breakfast as that is his favorite meal. It was funny to be in the kiddie corner and we realized we have to take K out to eat more and also work harder at getting her to stay in her chair. She always eats on the run. The best part of breakfast was that she ate almost all of my eggs. Let's hope we can add that to the menu. It was a rather quiet day, but great to celebrate fathers day number two. DaDa is the best!!!!!
K goose's vocabulary is amazing. The funniest thing though is the way she identifies sunglasses as daokens and spider webs as flowers. I am not sure how she came up with these terms, but it is funny to hear her refer to our daokens. The rest of her words always sound like the word she is trying to say just not complete i.e. wa-wa for water or bal for balloon.
We took K goose to Los Gatos for a walk around town yesterday afternoon after a 2.5 hour nap. She was in a fantastic mood and had so much fun wandering around the town park. In the morning we took DaDa to breakfast as that is his favorite meal. It was funny to be in the kiddie corner and we realized we have to take K out to eat more and also work harder at getting her to stay in her chair. She always eats on the run. The best part of breakfast was that she ate almost all of my eggs. Let's hope we can add that to the menu. It was a rather quiet day, but great to celebrate fathers day number two. DaDa is the best!!!!!
Friday, June 16, 2006
More more

We went in the pool today and K goose loved it. We have only gone to swimming classes in the past and today we just went to splash around. We were in the water for 50 minutes and every time I would get her out so she could jump in, she would say more more. We had a great time and definitely will add the pool to our activity list.
M goose lost her collar yesterday and for the first time ever didn't come in to eat her meat. K goose did her part in calling for her and she sat next to Grandma at the window seat going meow meow. Luckily she was near the house and we found her quickly, but K was quite cute about helping. Must go to the pet store for a collar.
We also might be going to one nap. Today's first nap was at 12:20 and she woke a bit before 6. She has been trying for one nap for quite some time and so we will see how keeping her up later goes so she can handle just one nap. Yesterday she was super tired so I put her in her bed even though she didn't really want to go to sleep in the afternoon. She refused to go to sleep and sat chatting with her cats. After 30 minutes of chatter I went in to her room and found that her diaper was off, she had peed in and on her crib. She even managed to get pee on her bumper and on the carpet outside of her crib. Quite impressive! I was laughing so hard when I walked in that she also started laughing. I am sure that wasn't the right reaction, but it was just too funny. Needless to say we went on about our afternoon and headed to the LA farmers market. We were in the car about 4 minutes when she fell asleep, not that she was tired...
Thursday, June 15, 2006

Outside of meow meows and bow wows whom we love A LOT, K goose also loves books. We have one book titled "My Dad" and it is her absolute favorite. The book shows the little bear telling his bear friends how great his dad his, but scares them away because he can roar like a lion etc. etc. Anyway, at the end of the book he gets a suprise visit by his dad and he is SO excited. I have been reading the book at least once a day for weeks and it brings squeals of DaDa everytime. It is great. I am really amazed at her love for books and very excited as I would love to spend weekends reading.
Parts of the body - we have been working on learning where are eyes, ears and nose are. We have had the face, legs, arms down for a while, but now we are learning our neck, back and shoulders. It is fascinating to watch her learn each term after just two or three identifications.
The next couple days are all about fathers day prep. Now what to get DaDa....
Monday, June 12, 2006
On my way out the door this morning K goose asked for a few bites of my oatmeal. I shared and was giving her the rest of what missed her mouth for her second bite. She looked at it and said nose. Nose typically refers to either her nose or something that has come out of her nose. I was shocked - did she really think I was going to feed her something from her nose. I guess it makes sense if you look at oatmeal.
We had a great weekend with a fantastic neighborhood bbq. K got her first flower tattoo only after Mom had one on her arm. We also made visors, picture frames and got a beautiful flower from the balloon artist. After the bbq we headed to a picnic at Shoreline with some friends. K goose stayed very close by and loved the pretzels.
The other great K goose activity was the PA junior museum and zoo. We had such a great time checking out the animals and having ice cream afterwards we decided "we" didn't need a nap and had to go to bed at 6:40 because "we" were so tired.
We had a great weekend with a fantastic neighborhood bbq. K got her first flower tattoo only after Mom had one on her arm. We also made visors, picture frames and got a beautiful flower from the balloon artist. After the bbq we headed to a picnic at Shoreline with some friends. K goose stayed very close by and loved the pretzels.
The other great K goose activity was the PA junior museum and zoo. We had such a great time checking out the animals and having ice cream afterwards we decided "we" didn't need a nap and had to go to bed at 6:40 because "we" were so tired.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
the last year

Tomorrow is my bday, so Tmobro and I were chatting about the last year and the highlights for me. Highlights with k goose - the day after christmas and she said Mama and really understood that it was me she was talking about. Other highlights our trip to NYC, what a fantastic time, going back to the Ritz in Kapalua where we spent our honeymoon, only this time with K goose. At the same time I am still so happy not to be pumping, to know she will sleep through the nights most nights, the little person I am watching her become. And most of all the adventures ahead. K goose is really becoming a little girl. She is developing such a neat personality and it is great to see traits of T mobro and me in her.
The last few days have been good sleep days and so we have been having a glowing baby. The one thing that has been worrying us is the interest she has in paper. At first we thought it was a stage, but one of our friends did some research and suggested it might be an iron deficiency. Very possible as she is such a small eater. For some meals she can eat 1/2 a baby carrot and 3 elbow macaroni noodles and that is it. We have an appt later in the month, let's hope that she is just being a toddler and too busy to eat. We work so hard to get new and healthy foods into her, but she just isn't that interested.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Weekend fun!
We decided to go on a hike at Rancho this afternoon, before an appt for Dmogi. We spent most of the time making lines in the sand at the bottom of the hill and we never even got to the animals. Somehow we were just as dirty as if we had walked 10 miles. It was quite fun and we even got to wear our new no slip hair clip. Needless to say K goose looked fantastic.
Bow wows are a big part of our adventures, but today K goose decided it was time for her to take some initative and kiss the bow wows before they kissed her and so we spent quite a bit of time kissing bow wow noses. Quite fun. The bow wows that got to kiss her after her pistachio ice cream of Baskin Robins were especially appreciative.
The most important part of the day was at the end. After a very relaxing meal at Country Gourmet (ok food, but fantastic kid atmosphere complete with books and toys) we came home for our favorite thing in the world, a bath! K goose said bathroom a few times after the bath and so we put her on Dora. Shock of shocks - tinkle tinkle! I never thought I could be so proud of a pee, but the shrieking and excitement of both T mobro and I was so loud you could hear it all through town.
The other minor accomplishment is that she seems to really understand more. At the end of her morning bottle, she showed me the more sign so she could get more milk. I was so proud, I of course had to get her a nice refill.
Bow wows are a big part of our adventures, but today K goose decided it was time for her to take some initative and kiss the bow wows before they kissed her and so we spent quite a bit of time kissing bow wow noses. Quite fun. The bow wows that got to kiss her after her pistachio ice cream of Baskin Robins were especially appreciative.
The most important part of the day was at the end. After a very relaxing meal at Country Gourmet (ok food, but fantastic kid atmosphere complete with books and toys) we came home for our favorite thing in the world, a bath! K goose said bathroom a few times after the bath and so we put her on Dora. Shock of shocks - tinkle tinkle! I never thought I could be so proud of a pee, but the shrieking and excitement of both T mobro and I was so loud you could hear it all through town.
The other minor accomplishment is that she seems to really understand more. At the end of her morning bottle, she showed me the more sign so she could get more milk. I was so proud, I of course had to get her a nice refill.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Thursdays are party days
Back to the swings!!!! After exploring through the park and checking out every stick possible we headed to the swings. What fun, however K goose was getting sleepy. Four hours since her last nap and watering the garden makes for a sleepy girl. However we were facing our usual Thursday dilemma, Mommy is home, no time for sleep.
55 minutes into our swing ride Kaitlin got sleepy, so sleepy that she dozed off in the swing. I picked her up and walked her to the car. Head on shoulder, quiet and still girl. Good signs for a nap. We get into the car and the requests for the "bot" began. Bot delivered and all of a sudden the sleepiness is over. No need for a nap. In fact, no time to sit still. TMobro came home and back out to the park we went, this time to watch the dogs play. MoCa joined us as always, although this time she had to hide most of the time due to the large number of dogs around... At dinner K fell asleep in her highchair. Still not sleepy, Mommy is home.
K goose is safe in bed for the night. After all tomorrow is Friday and Mommy is home.
55 minutes into our swing ride Kaitlin got sleepy, so sleepy that she dozed off in the swing. I picked her up and walked her to the car. Head on shoulder, quiet and still girl. Good signs for a nap. We get into the car and the requests for the "bot" began. Bot delivered and all of a sudden the sleepiness is over. No need for a nap. In fact, no time to sit still. TMobro came home and back out to the park we went, this time to watch the dogs play. MoCa joined us as always, although this time she had to hide most of the time due to the large number of dogs around... At dinner K fell asleep in her highchair. Still not sleepy, Mommy is home.
K goose is safe in bed for the night. After all tomorrow is Friday and Mommy is home.
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