Friday, May 28, 2010


When I came home last night K asked if we could play princesses... I said sure and we proceeded to be princesses at a ball. I was Ariel and she was Aurora... we were sisters and best friends. She would only call me by sister and not mommy. She let me know that we were sisters and best friends even when we slept. K went to bed and this morning woke up still wanting to play. We determined we were on our way to the grand ball. Our ball would be school for her and work for me...

We chatted at breakfast and had daddy cereal as that is what princesses eat. the flakes were poisonous unless you were one like C who was able to eat them... we could not eat them for fear of dying. Cinderella ate them and died... (of course we all know K is not a fan of Cinderella because she wears gasp a blue dress... as a result she is not a fan). We went to the dentist office everyday to get her teeth brushed because we didn't brush our teeth. I drove the car even though we both knew how to drive. In this princess land if you were five you were an adult.

We are still princesses.. I dropped her off to school with a final dance on the playground and of to work I went. An awesome morning especially because we had no arguments about food or dressing.

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