Thursday, April 08, 2010

Right and wrong

As K gets older there is more discussion of what is right and wrong... what is ok and what is really unacceptable... for the most part these discussions are light and easy... compared to what we will face when she becomes a teenager, but still it doesn't make them any easier.

This morning we were taking care of my mom's catwhile she is out of town... all the tulips in her yard are in full bloom... K as we all know is a girlie girl... and loves picking up flowers (the rule is only pick flowers you can find on the ground). As I closed the door I noticed she had a tulip in her hand... one that had been clearly picked...

I asked her if she picked the flower and she grabbed my hand held on tight and ... finally slowly responded.. "yes I picked the flower" and immediately burst into tears... actually not even tears but full on sobs.. there she was gasping for air because she picked a flower and I was stuck... do I tell her no you are not to pick flowers or comfort her... so I picked her up held her and told her that as she knows picking flowers is wrong even if they are beautiful... At that point she looked at me and said mommy, the flower was for you... now of course I am feeling horrible. she was trying to do something nice but yet as she was breaking a rule and I had to correct her...

Although the argument was simple and the transgression beyond small it broke my heart watching my girl so sad... So hard to teach right and wrong...


Desiree said...

Parenting is so hard. I just went through the same thing where Andrew broke an ear off of an old little decorative figurine of mine and didn't tell me. Later when I found him and asked him about it, he burst into full on sobs and I didn't know whether to comfort him or tell him off for breaking something and not telling me. I am always glad to find out that other people are working through the same issues!

ps - so excited about C taking her first steps! Time to step up the re-babyproofing!!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the rule should have an amendment "anything goes at grandma's house" :) jo