Saturday, September 05, 2009

Sleep training night two sorta

We put C to bed without binky tonight... We did it on Thursday -- an hour forty of crying.... (we did comfort and pat downs) last night we let her have binky ... not sure where our resolve went. Oh yes I know... too scared... afraid... actually panicked about putting a baby in bed without a binky knowing she loves one and knowing she will sleep with one... but when I got up at midnight to nurse her and got all ready only to learn she just needed her binky I remembered why we were doing the whole sleep training thing... and right of course it gives her better sleep... which she desperately needs given somedays she will take only three five minute naps for me and I really want to cry for a lot longer than 1 hour and forty minutes... Tonight was better - 30 minutes... No idea what tomorrow will be. Just hoping that it is better and she starts to sleep.

K had a great day or two. I picked her up early last night and we went to SBUX with Fi and And. We had to head off because K was so excited about the next affair... the train into town for dinner with our neighbors who have become good friends. We met the daddy's hung out and had fun. The part on the way back may have been her favorite ... bookstore and gelato. Perfection! Today we took the train back into town for coffee with Gma. We met a friend for lunch who was visiting from out of town and headed back home for a swim playdate... two plus hours in the pool! And the night ended with a sleepover at gmas... unfortunately no date night as poor t was sick and needed rest.


Desiree said...

It was great getting to see you guys twice this weekend. Andrew and K played so well together at the end of the party today. Wish I had gotten a picture of the two of them exploring but I was pooped and wasn't in picture taking mode any more.

Desiree said...

Oh, and I reminded myself to put the bumbo in the car a hundred times for when we saw you guys today and of course with the rush of packing the two kids and supplies into the car I forgot. Let me know when you are available and I can drop if off after school sometime this week.

YF said...

Yes, it was great to see you both times as well - :-) (that is an official me too to Des').... But I am so glad to hear that it went down to 30 minutes! I wish I had gotten a pic of K up w/ the unicycle dude.... did you guys ??? sorry that I missed that - I hadn't taken my camera out yet.

K goose blog said...

Oh my gosh... it was great to see you both this week. so much fun!

Let's do another coffee or park thing with the kids after school and we can get the seat at that point. Sound good?

I still don't have a camera... ahh.