Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Last night K and Daddy made me pizza for dinner with no onions the most evil food in the world (at least with this pregnancy). I can smell them from miles away! Our neighbor brought me a huge tupperware of one of my favorite dishes she makes all while I got to take a shower and relax.... I have the best family and friends in the world!!! Gma S called and came by to hang out and so we were all sitting down when the doorbell rang....

We opened it to find carolers from the local high school.... If only I grabbed my camera to catch K's face. It was classic!!!! We bought a cd featuring their xmas music and K requested as a special treat that she listen to it while she fell asleep. This morning 30 minutes after waking up she had figured out how to open the cd player in her room and brought the cd into our room and turned on the music. We are loving the holidays!

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