On Sat we went over to some friends for big game where K got to eat cupcakes after being forced to eat turkey burgers. The food battles continue... so hard to get her to eat... cupcakes make things a tiny bit easier. As I told T, luckily we went to women's volleyball on Fri night so we could see Stanford win a sporting event as the football was not quite the same. Pmogi was thrilled with CAL's win when I met her on Sunday. After the party we headed to a Sharks game where K although bothered by the noise loved the shark mascot and being up high watching everything. Especially since Gma S came with us and covered K's ears whenever the noise levels got too high. Gotta love Gmas! K didn't make the drive home and was so excited when she woke up Sunday to find she slept in her daytime clothes.
Sunday M & K hung with Daddy while he had the two girls solo flying around the market and the bookstore. I am so impressed he took on two three year olds solo! Especially as Mommy headed up to the city with Pmogi for a girls day in SF. P & I went to breakfast at Eat's (yummy fruit crepes) and wandered the Marina and Fillmore areas while the sun shone. We got mani/pedis and headed home when the weather turned... K immediately noticed my nails and demanded to know when I went to the spa. Luckily one of her presents included 4-6 bottles of glittery polish so we had a nice mani/pedi session before bed...
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