Tuesday, December 11, 2007

An average weekend

- AuntJ came down for the weekend and hung with K... K was thrilled....
- Mommy's calc final is tomorrow... lots of studying and best of all lots of help from the most awesome husband and tutor in the world.... THANK YOU!
- farmers market fun with twee twee and our favorite musician. reenacting the market at home with singing last night while demanding Mommy dance...

T and I had an awesome date on Thursday night as he drove down to meet me at my conference in HMB and spend the night... Power relaxing as the conference went so late... enjoyed all the amenities... didn't enjoy the run outside due to the nasty wind... beautiful view from the gym inside... bad idea to think outside was the place to go... loved loved the panna cotta...

Tomorrow night the holidays will begin at 8pm when calc ends and my first quarter back in school is over... Let's all hope I do ok on the final and the grade counts as I am still not in the class due to a missing prereq... the thought of taking it at a jc to save time, money and make it easier is totally failing right now.... Loved the SCU stuff.... hated the calc would be an understatement...


Anonymous said...

Good luck on your final!!!

YF said...

good luck on finals! C