Friday, December 28, 2007

SF fun

Yesterday we met T at work and took K to the city to see the lights, look at the kitties in the Macy's windows and grab dinner... The best part of the day for K was the fire trucks... which were everywhere. I tried to get my car washed before meeting T (just in case you are wondering why it rained yesterday) and we were told it was a 90 minute wait... So instead I had to find something to do in Redwood City... We went to Mervyns to get new bootie pajamas when we spotted a fire truck outside of the babies r us.... K was so excited we ran over to it and checked it out... little did we know we would see eight more fire trucks while in the city. K loved it and even got one firefighter to ring the bell. Dinner was definitely the best part of the day as we went to Cafe de la presse.... a yummy french restaraunt. They even had macaroni and cheese on the menu... way more cheesy and buttery than what we have at home! Every time we see a fire truck we sing hush little baby don't say a word... papa's going to buy you a fire truck. K is starting to miss N's and her friends. She wants to go back to school. Guess Mommy is a bit boring.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

One of the best Christmas' ever

Christmas rocked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We got to try the jam I made this summer from the apricots that we borrowed from the orchard down the way... with some tasty scones, we had fantastic mimosas... Gma S made an incredible xmas dinner... and we just had a great time! I tried to make a fruit tart... Whole Foods makes everything look easy. My pastry cream didn't turn out and so thank goodness Safeway was open so we could purchase the ingredients necessary for a redo... The presents were great... My family gave me a fantastic bracelet (that I eyed in Boston) and a beautiful creamer (that I eyed in Cambridge) careful what I show Pmogi!!! and T bought me a beautiful ks travel make up bag, picture frame and a perfume I had been eyeing.... once again... careful what you show pmogi! K was thrilled to see her babies and has not mentioned Lucy once... Our babies are swinging and sleeping and being pushed around in their new stroller... The best part of course... the post xmas sales... after that no more shopping...

A perfect holiday

We spent the weekend exchanging gifts, going out to dinner and visiting friends which was fantastic. Sunday was probably one of the best days... We met our friends S&R in Santa Cruz for breakfast and a walk near the beach... K loves loves R and spent the morning following him around... grabbing his hand when it was time to cross the street... and the funniest thing of all... as we were walking she picked flowers for everyone.... R got a beautiful bloom as did Mommy and Daddy... S however got a little tiny bloom..... K loves her R! S&R also gave K a beautiful horse who we named crash... she has been sleeping with him every night. He takes up more room in her bed then she does. We went into downtown and wandered around... enjoyed our favorite coffee from bad ass and as we were wandering we discovered carriage rides... K loved loved her first carriage ride ever... I forgot the camera as I wish I could have caught her face. We finished the day by wandering on Fulton in PA with pmogi and gma s to check out the lights. K loved the lights and was dragged from each house... Her favorite thing was baby Jesus who she spent the rest of the night talking about because she wanted Santa to bring her baby jesus!

On Christmas Eve K and Daddy went shopping for Mommy presents... I think I am the only person who went to the mall to have lunch and not shop, but we all met after they were done at Oakville. We hosted Christmas Eve and K spent most of the evening playing doll with one of her cousins... She enjoyed holding him and sorta enjoyed sharing her toys! One of the funniest things about K shopping with Daddy is that the presents always come out while we are going along our day. As soon as I saw her she announced that she had gotten me candy... The best part was as after we split up I took K to the grocery store... We are driving down the road when she asks if I saw the Santa... I said which Santa thinking I missed it when she said you know the one I took the photo with... You can guess what one of my presents was. Our first ever Santa photo!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

lucy who...

Tonight we had to make a run to target after getting K... Somehow right next to the kitty food section... there were babies... babies with strollers, beds, changing pads... and well more babies... After two weeks of working on pulling Lucy together... Gma C got the stroller, we found the baby, the bedding, the carrier, the diaper bag. Gma S and Pmogi found the cradle bed.... there was a change of heart. K no longer wants lucy... she wants these babies.... and everything that comes with them... The particular style she wanted only had one left so we split up and T bought them... but what do I do with all the lucy stuff and most importantly will she want it later... For now we have both safely tucked away in the garage. K is very serious about her new babies though so I see an exchange taking place...

The holidays are here!!!!!!!!

The mommy's group had a great holiday party on Saturday.... K loved it and was the last little one to go... holding on to toys and saying she didn't want to leave.... how can you leave tons of new toys, unlimited apple juice, tangerines and most of all friends!

T and I went to our annual city day... tried a new breakfast place... in search of a new city breakfast place... wandered the marina checking out trees, shopped, hit the grove for lattes and finished the night at town hall for dinner and union square for lights... We are taking K next week....

Yesterday I sorted hundreds and hundreds pounds of pasta at Second Harvest... K heaven... followed by my first slice of cheesecake factory cheesecake at my office's holiday party.

Tomorrow is the last day of school for K for 12 days... The adventures are about to begin... Last year we did a number of day trips in the area... so we are gearing up for some fantastic family time and lots of adventures!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

An average weekend

- AuntJ came down for the weekend and hung with K... K was thrilled....
- Mommy's calc final is tomorrow... lots of studying and best of all lots of help from the most awesome husband and tutor in the world.... THANK YOU!
- farmers market fun with twee twee and our favorite musician. reenacting the market at home with singing last night while demanding Mommy dance...

T and I had an awesome date on Thursday night as he drove down to meet me at my conference in HMB and spend the night... Power relaxing as the conference went so late... enjoyed all the amenities... didn't enjoy the run outside due to the nasty wind... beautiful view from the gym inside... bad idea to think outside was the place to go... loved loved the panna cotta...

Tomorrow night the holidays will begin at 8pm when calc ends and my first quarter back in school is over... Let's all hope I do ok on the final and the grade counts as I am still not in the class due to a missing prereq... the thought of taking it at a jc to save time, money and make it easier is totally failing right now.... Loved the SCU stuff.... hated the calc would be an understatement...

Monday, December 03, 2007

Another baby

One of our Christmas gifts from last year is hot again... A doll from Aunt J... who is now named epsie and our first girl doll.... We love her!

K had another spectacular weekend.

- Big Game... she loved screaming GO STANFORD and high fiving everyone... She also loved the watermelon in the press box while visiting Daddy's friends.... The barstools and the long hallway for running were exactly what she had in mind.... We went to one of our favorite restaraunts in Palo Alto after the game as a family... K almost fell asleep on the drive home, but loved her day especially as it included a morning with Gma S and her weekly visit to Whole Foods for the shopping cart and cookie...

- Sunday we went to a fantastic breakfast with M&J, hit the farmers market and spent time reading with Aunt J.... T and I went to Peets and had a mini date over a cappucino while K caught up with Gma C after being away from her for a weekend... Very dramatic for the both of them. I think we have made it through 30% of our books being read at least once.

The bummer I was I brought the camera and a dead battery for most of our events...very useful!