We are here.... Eek! K did incredible on the flights... although she didn't sleep much (about 5 of the 20 hours) ... she had a great time and was really cheery the whole way. As we booked separately from T we were able to do shifts and get a bit of rest and yet keep her very entertained. When we landed in Hong Kong K asked for another airplane ride. Quite the traveler.... We are at a great hotel in Singapore (beautiful city views, food and attached to a shopping mall) and had a mellow first day bumming around the hotel and enjoying cappuccinos and a nice Italian dinner.
On Sun we woke up and headed to little India. great smells and colorful sites... lots of fun! We even went into a beautiful Hindu temple. In the afternoon we headed to the east coast, saw an incredible rainstorm and went to a fun rest with a colleague of Ts. T and I took turns hitting the hotel gym and K and T went into the kiddie pool.
T had to work today so after a yummy breakfast K and I headed to Orchard Road for shopping... Unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate and we had to run from toy store to toy store checking out water tables, train tables, merry go rounds and indoor slides. Reminded me of our Belgium rainstorm last Dec. Luckily it wasn't 7 degrees outside... We met T for dinner and went to an awesome Medit. rest that even had kitties running about. Very authentic. We sat in the courtyard which had all these pretty Christmas lights... K turned to us as soon as we sat down and announced... it was Christmas and we needed to give her presents... we explained it wasn't Christmas and we didn't have anything so she suggested Santa bring her something.. too funny!
The trip has been really great so far... It has been great to hang with K all day every day although I was wiped after trying to entertain with 7 hours of rain today. She loves Dr Seuss so we have been reading all the dr seuss we brought 5-7 times a day.
The biggest thing we are trying is no nighttime diapers... three successful nights... let's hope we make it and can transition away from diapers... our little girl is no longer little.
Monday, September 03, 2007
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