Sunday, March 25, 2007

What a trip

Highlights from K:

- Seeing Grandma C!!!!!!!!!
- Feeding ducks in St James Park (not getting bit like the swan feeding in Hyde Park in Dec)
- Running around the National Gallery
- Crawling on the lions at Trafalgar Square
- Remembering where the swings are at Hyde Park and getting to go back
- Taking snuggly naps on Mommy and Daddy
- Seeing the royal horses
- Not having jet lag
- Jumping on the stairs in St Pauls
- Saying thank you for MoCa, Mama and Dada at the prayer benches in Westminister Abbey
- Getting to sit on the little chairs at the Tate Modern and playing in the mirrored sliding doors exhibit
- Going to see Aunt S's show at the National Portrait Gallery
- Walking on the Millenium Bridge and looking at the boats on the Thames
- Seeing Big Ben in the sun (for a brief moment)
- Picking out horses, cats and dogs in all the museuems


Anonymous said...

So cultured AND fashionable! Little K goose has it all! Glad to hear that you are safe and sound and enjoying your trip.
Davida & Tay

YF said...

welcome back! sounds like a great trip and I was very glad to hear that you guys didn't have any jet lag problems!

Unknown said...

Wish I could be there with you guys. a girls MoGi trip to Europe is definitely in order. Cambridge, anyone?!

K goose blog said...

Can't wait for the mogi summer adventure in Europe... Should be fun!