Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I think I can say it

K requested that I sit next to her when I went to take her in my lap for a last snuggle before school this morning... She immediately got so involved in making shapes with play doh that she could barely look at me for a kiss before leaving. I think we might finally be adjusted to school.

We went back to the park last night, but S wasn't there. She kept asking where is S or S's sister. When she realized S wasn't coming she told us muy frio and headed back for the house.

Dressing is taking longer and longer these days. K loves loves to choose her outfit for the day. We end up with very interesting choices of outfits, but she has a lot of fun. Today she tried on three shirts and two pairs of socks before ending up with two pink tshirts with a pair of pink pants. I now understand what stores being by pairing one blazer with jeans a skirt or pair of pants. I will now need to make my shopping trips more of a mix and match ensemble. Her growth seems to have slowed a bit (she is wearing some things that she had a number of months ago and so I spent some time this week buying non sale things and even getting a bunch of cute Janie and Jack clothes for her bday. The girl loves her clothes.

Linty toes.... Another thing K loves is discovering lint. Makes sense for a girl who doesn't like dirt, dropped food etc. She loves to remind us that her sock lint is in the bathtub... If she ever discovers sock lint she immediately stops everything to get rid of it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that K is enjoying school so much and learning spanish, too! Too cute about the clothes...Tay is oblivious so far but I figure it will come up sometime in the future.