K requested that I sit next to her when I went to take her in my lap for a last snuggle before school this morning... She immediately got so involved in making shapes with play doh that she could barely look at me for a kiss before leaving. I think we might finally be adjusted to school.
We went back to the park last night, but S wasn't there. She kept asking where is S or S's sister. When she realized S wasn't coming she told us muy frio and headed back for the house.
Dressing is taking longer and longer these days. K loves loves to choose her outfit for the day. We end up with very interesting choices of outfits, but she has a lot of fun. Today she tried on three shirts and two pairs of socks before ending up with two pink tshirts with a pair of pink pants. I now understand what stores being by pairing one blazer with jeans a skirt or pair of pants. I will now need to make my shopping trips more of a mix and match ensemble. Her growth seems to have slowed a bit (she is wearing some things that she had a number of months ago and so I spent some time this week buying non sale things and even getting a bunch of cute Janie and Jack clothes for her bday. The girl loves her clothes.
Linty toes.... Another thing K loves is discovering lint. Makes sense for a girl who doesn't like dirt, dropped food etc. She loves to remind us that her sock lint is in the bathtub... If she ever discovers sock lint she immediately stops everything to get rid of it!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
K and S
K really wanted to go on the slides after we got home from school yesterday and so we decided to make a quick run to the park. We ran into our neighbor S we used to meet everyday in the Summer to play. It was so cute to see them together. They "ran fast" and played on the slide and chased MoCa around. It was really neat to see how excited they were to see one another and how much more like friends they actually looked... Our not so little girl!
K tried pizza for the first time last night. Pmogi came home from Berkeley with a Zachary's pizza. YUMMY! K loves this I am a pizza song that we listen to everyday and so our normally routine food only girl tried a few bites and loved it! Truly dada's girl.... I see a pizza date in our future. FJLs!
K tried pizza for the first time last night. Pmogi came home from Berkeley with a Zachary's pizza. YUMMY! K loves this I am a pizza song that we listen to everyday and so our normally routine food only girl tried a few bites and loved it! Truly dada's girl.... I see a pizza date in our future. FJLs!
Monday, January 29, 2007
K gooseeee
K had 9 successful bathroom trips this weekend! WooHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Who knows if this will be repeated, but we celebrated, shrieked, bought a madeline and told teacher N at school today who also shrieked (louder than we did) and promised big girl underwear. I told her she could have any underwear she wanted and so she told me she wants blue bunny underwear. We secretly hope we have made progress, but know this could backfire.
She is very excited about her bday and told Twee Twee all about it at the market yesterday. Two weeks!
K and I had a nice Whole Foods adventure - she loves to push the junior shopping cart. We also made it to the library and really enjoyed the puzzles, hiding in the books and watching all the kids. It was a bit crazy due to a free concert for two year olds.
We went to dinner at my mom and sister's last night. She was so excited to see them that she ran around squealing and requested that only they hold her. Mommy and Daddy who?
T and I went to the city for an awesome date while my mom hung with K playing trains etc. We had a great time in Hayes Valley (shopping and enjoying a yummy coffee in this trendy art and coffee bar. We ended the evening with a lovely dinner at Rubicon (very nice rest - very ok food. We still prefer Bix, Town Hall and Perbocco.) We did however have a fun bottle of wine by Mario Perelli Minetti - much better prices on line. The date nights are a lot of fun.
K had 9 successful bathroom trips this weekend! WooHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Who knows if this will be repeated, but we celebrated, shrieked, bought a madeline and told teacher N at school today who also shrieked (louder than we did) and promised big girl underwear. I told her she could have any underwear she wanted and so she told me she wants blue bunny underwear. We secretly hope we have made progress, but know this could backfire.
She is very excited about her bday and told Twee Twee all about it at the market yesterday. Two weeks!
K and I had a nice Whole Foods adventure - she loves to push the junior shopping cart. We also made it to the library and really enjoyed the puzzles, hiding in the books and watching all the kids. It was a bit crazy due to a free concert for two year olds.
We went to dinner at my mom and sister's last night. She was so excited to see them that she ran around squealing and requested that only they hold her. Mommy and Daddy who?
T and I went to the city for an awesome date while my mom hung with K playing trains etc. We had a great time in Hayes Valley (shopping and enjoying a yummy coffee in this trendy art and coffee bar. We ended the evening with a lovely dinner at Rubicon (very nice rest - very ok food. We still prefer Bix, Town Hall and Perbocco.) We did however have a fun bottle of wine by Mario Perelli Minetti - much better prices on line. The date nights are a lot of fun.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Dare I say it
K may finally be adjusted to school. A lot of days I pick her up and we have to do one more thing before leaving... Yesterday, I had to grab her as she could have ran fast with Mommy, played on the slide and in the swings forever.
Over the last few weeks she has started to get better about crying when I leave (although I knew it was a 30 second tear thing I didn't like starting my days with her crying).
This morning however when I did the drop off she got interested in following another girl into another room and so she looked at me and said Bye mommy see you much (translation bye mommy, see you, love you this much -arms outstretched wide). She then turned off and wandered away. It was the first time I didn't have to set her down and do a big distraction to avoid tears. She even gave me my keys (normally she holds them and I have to take them from her so I can leave.)
Let's hope this is going to be the new routine as I know she likes everything about the school and teacher from the way she talks about it.
Over the last few weeks she has started to get better about crying when I leave (although I knew it was a 30 second tear thing I didn't like starting my days with her crying).
This morning however when I did the drop off she got interested in following another girl into another room and so she looked at me and said Bye mommy see you much (translation bye mommy, see you, love you this much -arms outstretched wide). She then turned off and wandered away. It was the first time I didn't have to set her down and do a big distraction to avoid tears. She even gave me my keys (normally she holds them and I have to take them from her so I can leave.)
Let's hope this is going to be the new routine as I know she likes everything about the school and teacher from the way she talks about it.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Good night Orion
T recently showed Orion and so every night when we go for our prebedtime walk K looks for Orion and his belt. She loves to say Goodninght Orion. I try pointing out the moon but to no avail. Where is Orion? One of the first things she says when she wakes up is where is Orion? Orion of course is sleeping by 6 or 6:30am.
Yesterday I spent the day in the city in meetings so Pmogi and I decided to meet for dinner. We went to Frisson for dinner and had a nice time (super trendy and fun) followed by a relaxing latte and dessert at Cafe la Presse. It is really nice being so close to SF and more importantly pmogi! T picked up K from school gave her a yummy dinner followed by her favorite reward if she finishes her dinner these days (whole wheat graham cracker).
K's spanish is really coming along. This week they have been working on colors at school so K has been showing me all the azul, amarillo, rojo and rosada in the world. She also very excited about saying corazon as they are gearing up for Valentines Day. Her pronunciation is quite funny and amazingly clear.
Yesterday I spent the day in the city in meetings so Pmogi and I decided to meet for dinner. We went to Frisson for dinner and had a nice time (super trendy and fun) followed by a relaxing latte and dessert at Cafe la Presse. It is really nice being so close to SF and more importantly pmogi! T picked up K from school gave her a yummy dinner followed by her favorite reward if she finishes her dinner these days (whole wheat graham cracker).
K's spanish is really coming along. This week they have been working on colors at school so K has been showing me all the azul, amarillo, rojo and rosada in the world. She also very excited about saying corazon as they are gearing up for Valentines Day. Her pronunciation is quite funny and amazingly clear.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
K loves mommy's purse

Every couple days K does a complete inventory of my purse... She carries around the business cards, empties the money out of the wallet (puts some in her pockets and bear box in her room) and puts on lip gloss. The camera is still not great (must buy another one), but here are a few shots of K after she got a hold of my lipstick while we were getting ready for dinner last night. She also shared her lipstick with me by removing some from her face with her finger and putting it on mine. Immediately after this she went over to the table to enjoy her dinner. She looked very beautiful!
Another great weekend (very quiet after a few very hectic weekends) enjoying things like taking the train into town for an ice cream, the farmers market, meeting friends and hanging around the house. T and I even tried a new rest in downtown PA, Mantra as we are trying for weekly date nights. We had a great time and enjoyed the food.
Friday, January 19, 2007
We have had a week of presents! My mom's return from India meant a wonderful assortment of bracelets, Gma sent two boxes from England and our friends gave K a beautiful meow meow coat - you can imagine how happy she was to have a meow meow coat. Pictures of it are in the post with Tay and K's pics.
K received her Christmas box (late due to a post office issue) from Gma this morning and was so excited to open all her presents which included books, a teddy bear, and tambourine. Unfortunately we need a new camera and the photos didn't come out. She loved her teddy bear and told him he had to go to school with her... So he is off working on vowels and learning to recognize his name today... He will even get to eat K's favorite part of the lunch at school - sopa!
We have decided to take K back to London and Paris for a couple weeks in mid March. I was hoping to take advantage of the no airfare for kids under two one more time with a quick trip to Hawaii before her Feb bday but our schedules didn't permit it. K will be very excited to spend some time with Grandma (as she can come in and meet us in London) before Gma heads back to the States. Gma's return to the States will make K very happy as she will get to see her more frequently. She has missed her and sometimes goes in to our guest bedroom and tells me that's where Grandma sleeps. Last week when we met a girl named Lilly (we were beyond excited and showed her our lilly boots) when we noticed she had on tennis shoes. The dad said they were lilly tennis shoes, but K just looked at them and said no they were grandma shoes. Hard to believe since the grandmas have more shoes than K and I combined.
Yesterday she received another present and a note from Grandma which she made me read 4-5 times. She loves getting letters and having me read them to her. She is really enjoying her present week (I know ...hard to believe). In the box was a Spot birthday book to prepare her for her upcoming bday and so she sat at the breakfast table singing happy bday spot while reading her new book. I normally try and browse the paper in the morning while we eat our breakfast and so as soon as I grabbed the paper she told me that she wanted to read her book. So there we sat, Mommy reading the WSJ and K reading happy bday spot... It was a really nice moment.
Last night we took K to one of my favorite restaraunts (Il Postale in Sunnyvale). We have been going there for about 8 years, but haven't taken K since she was really little and slept through all our dinners out. I remember being so excited to take K to Left Bank when she was 5 days old because we got to eat a whole meal together. Now I really understand how big of a deal that is. Il Postale was awesome!!! She shared my standard meal, loved the noodles, sprinkling cheese on her bread, dipping (ok drenching) her bread in olive oil and eating chocolate treats at the end of her meal. She was able to sit through the whole meal happily and as it is not really geared to kids she used some of my pens and notebook to draw until it was time to eat the 1/2 a cup of cheese with her bread. After dinner we took her for a little walk. I am really amazed at how much better she is doing sitting and eating at the table and through a whole meal at restaraunts. Even her breakfasts have become so long that I have to hurry her out the door because she will often eat two - three helpings of cereal.
K received her Christmas box (late due to a post office issue) from Gma this morning and was so excited to open all her presents which included books, a teddy bear, and tambourine. Unfortunately we need a new camera and the photos didn't come out. She loved her teddy bear and told him he had to go to school with her... So he is off working on vowels and learning to recognize his name today... He will even get to eat K's favorite part of the lunch at school - sopa!
We have decided to take K back to London and Paris for a couple weeks in mid March. I was hoping to take advantage of the no airfare for kids under two one more time with a quick trip to Hawaii before her Feb bday but our schedules didn't permit it. K will be very excited to spend some time with Grandma (as she can come in and meet us in London) before Gma heads back to the States. Gma's return to the States will make K very happy as she will get to see her more frequently. She has missed her and sometimes goes in to our guest bedroom and tells me that's where Grandma sleeps. Last week when we met a girl named Lilly (we were beyond excited and showed her our lilly boots) when we noticed she had on tennis shoes. The dad said they were lilly tennis shoes, but K just looked at them and said no they were grandma shoes. Hard to believe since the grandmas have more shoes than K and I combined.
Yesterday she received another present and a note from Grandma which she made me read 4-5 times. She loves getting letters and having me read them to her. She is really enjoying her present week (I know ...hard to believe). In the box was a Spot birthday book to prepare her for her upcoming bday and so she sat at the breakfast table singing happy bday spot while reading her new book. I normally try and browse the paper in the morning while we eat our breakfast and so as soon as I grabbed the paper she told me that she wanted to read her book. So there we sat, Mommy reading the WSJ and K reading happy bday spot... It was a really nice moment.
Last night we took K to one of my favorite restaraunts (Il Postale in Sunnyvale). We have been going there for about 8 years, but haven't taken K since she was really little and slept through all our dinners out. I remember being so excited to take K to Left Bank when she was 5 days old because we got to eat a whole meal together. Now I really understand how big of a deal that is. Il Postale was awesome!!! She shared my standard meal, loved the noodles, sprinkling cheese on her bread, dipping (ok drenching) her bread in olive oil and eating chocolate treats at the end of her meal. She was able to sit through the whole meal happily and as it is not really geared to kids she used some of my pens and notebook to draw until it was time to eat the 1/2 a cup of cheese with her bread. After dinner we took her for a little walk. I am really amazed at how much better she is doing sitting and eating at the table and through a whole meal at restaraunts. Even her breakfasts have become so long that I have to hurry her out the door because she will often eat two - three helpings of cereal.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
more on k
K had a nice weekend going to a baby shower with Mommy, hanging out in Los Gatos with Mommy, spending an evening with G so Mommy and Daddy could go to a bday party, going to the farmers market and getting caught up on all her toys at home after a week of school.
Yesterday her school was closed so we took the day to visit Daddy at work for lunch (a giant hit considering she played with a stuffed bear and got pretzels and a cookie). We also had two play dates - one at S’s house and T’s house). We finished the day by going to pick up Gma and pmogi from the airport (a big hit – she was so excited to have them back she squealed the whole way home and then ran around their house chasing the kitty and running in circles! She is very very happy to have them back and kept asking me where they were this morning.
She got some jewelry from India and so she spent most of this morning organizing her new jewelry box and trying on all her new bangles… She looked quite festive! I was trying to hurry her along to pick out her socks and so I told her I was going to count and needed her to get her socks by the count of 5. K just looked at me and started counting on my behalf. Not exactly what I had in mind.
She is getting much better singing songs and now sings most of the words in songs we sing frequently. The song I sing her every night before bed was one I made up in the hospital and so it is all about her and how much everyone loves her. She has gotten in the habit of singing along to it at the top of her lungs until we are both laughing as I set her down. At least I know I am not putting her to bed asleep even if it is no longer a calming song!
Yesterday her school was closed so we took the day to visit Daddy at work for lunch (a giant hit considering she played with a stuffed bear and got pretzels and a cookie). We also had two play dates - one at S’s house and T’s house). We finished the day by going to pick up Gma and pmogi from the airport (a big hit – she was so excited to have them back she squealed the whole way home and then ran around their house chasing the kitty and running in circles! She is very very happy to have them back and kept asking me where they were this morning.
She got some jewelry from India and so she spent most of this morning organizing her new jewelry box and trying on all her new bangles… She looked quite festive! I was trying to hurry her along to pick out her socks and so I told her I was going to count and needed her to get her socks by the count of 5. K just looked at me and started counting on my behalf. Not exactly what I had in mind.
She is getting much better singing songs and now sings most of the words in songs we sing frequently. The song I sing her every night before bed was one I made up in the hospital and so it is all about her and how much everyone loves her. She has gotten in the habit of singing along to it at the top of her lungs until we are both laughing as I set her down. At least I know I am not putting her to bed asleep even if it is no longer a calming song!
Friday, January 12, 2007
It is very funny to listen to K make up games. One of her favorite things to do right now is to throw something while saying shadada and laughing. Given that we have to listen very carefully to understand some of what she says is in Spanish we have spent a few weeks trying to guess what shadada means... to no avail.
Regardless, it is funny to see and has replaced her game of a month ago: taoqun... She would look at you touch you and then shake her head back and forth while saying taquan and giggling... No idea what that one meant or where she learned it.
Regardless, it is funny to see and has replaced her game of a month ago: taoqun... She would look at you touch you and then shake her head back and forth while saying taquan and giggling... No idea what that one meant or where she learned it.
K misses gmas and pmogi

K keeps calling her Grandmas and Pmogi on the phone. She has ran over to the front room a few times and said p is coming p is coming. My mom and sis are in India and England and T's mom is still in England... T's mom sent a card the other day and K just asked me to keep reading it over and over. She misses her grandmas!
Here is one of her favorite pajamas! elmos.... along with of course her all time favorite meow meow!
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
A glimpse into our mornings
Our mornings are so funny and so different from before K goose! For example, today:
- K read about a juggler in one of her books and so T juggled some socks for her. K also tried juggling – the socks were flying everywhere.
- K enjoyed some blackberry blueberry juice and wanted to share with one of her stuffed animal bunnies. (the same bunny that sat in my chair yesterday that K pointed I needed to move to another seat for). I told her that we would give the bunny pretend juice as we were using regular cups – don’t want dark juice everywhere. K was quite unhappy and told me the bunny was sad as he wanted real juice!
- When we got to school we went for a little walk and followed a kitty into a yard. We watched the cat for quite some time and so the woman who lived in the house came out. K insisted that we be “close” to the fence. That really meant we had to have all of our body touching the fence. The woman was so nice and told us about the cat – unfortunately his owners left him and so she was feeding him. She was so nice – considering she couldn’t see K from the window and probably thought I was very weird standing pressed up at her fence staring at her front door in 45 degree weather.
- My suede Stuart Weizman boots are now Lily boots. I am so lucky to have Lily boots too.
- We had another daily dressing contest with Daddy. K somehow won -- getting all her clothes on with my help again… Not sure how she keeps winning.
- When K sneezed I forgot to say bless you so she stopped and looked at me and said bless you. Of course I apologized.
- K read about a juggler in one of her books and so T juggled some socks for her. K also tried juggling – the socks were flying everywhere.
- K enjoyed some blackberry blueberry juice and wanted to share with one of her stuffed animal bunnies. (the same bunny that sat in my chair yesterday that K pointed I needed to move to another seat for). I told her that we would give the bunny pretend juice as we were using regular cups – don’t want dark juice everywhere. K was quite unhappy and told me the bunny was sad as he wanted real juice!
- When we got to school we went for a little walk and followed a kitty into a yard. We watched the cat for quite some time and so the woman who lived in the house came out. K insisted that we be “close” to the fence. That really meant we had to have all of our body touching the fence. The woman was so nice and told us about the cat – unfortunately his owners left him and so she was feeding him. She was so nice – considering she couldn’t see K from the window and probably thought I was very weird standing pressed up at her fence staring at her front door in 45 degree weather.
- My suede Stuart Weizman boots are now Lily boots. I am so lucky to have Lily boots too.
- We had another daily dressing contest with Daddy. K somehow won -- getting all her clothes on with my help again… Not sure how she keeps winning.
- When K sneezed I forgot to say bless you so she stopped and looked at me and said bless you. Of course I apologized.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Another new friend!
Lily! K's Aunt J came down yesterday to give her a Christmas present. She found a beautiful porcelain doll that has a traveling wardrobe and music box with shoe, purse and hat changes. Our girly girl loved it and last night named her Lily after a character in the book, Lilys Big Day (another present from a close friend). Lily is a hero in our house as she has red star boots! Our newest Lily has ice skates and has been skating around. K really enjoyed her and keeps calling her a doll fairy. We had a really nice weekend again! T missed golf Saturday due to a frost delay and so we all went to Hobees. K has become great at eating out. We used to never take her as we were always too nervous that she wouldn't make it through a whole meal. She ate a ton and then had a great time shopping at Nordstrom's men sale. Apparently the men's section is not as interesting as shopping with mom as she fell asleep. We were headed to the mall before T left for golf and so I asked if she would prefer to go golfing with T. She said no, she wanted to stay home with Mommy to go shopping.
Yesterday we met some friends for lunch at the Woodside Bakery. After we ate everyone went to go pick a dessert. K got to pick something and picked a very powdery sugary cookie called an orange dainty. She kept showing us her dessert! Needless to say we went to the park to burn off all the orange dainty energy.
K is learning to say 'I love you too' when someone says 'I love you' to her... very cute!
FYI - if there are any kitties interested in having their noses touched by K that is one of her favorite pastimes. She keeps touching Moca's nose and was quite distraught on Saturday morning because MoCa was sitting on a ledge that was too tall for K to reach her nose. I wonder why?
Yesterday we met some friends for lunch at the Woodside Bakery. After we ate everyone went to go pick a dessert. K got to pick something and picked a very powdery sugary cookie called an orange dainty. She kept showing us her dessert! Needless to say we went to the park to burn off all the orange dainty energy.
K is learning to say 'I love you too' when someone says 'I love you' to her... very cute!
FYI - if there are any kitties interested in having their noses touched by K that is one of her favorite pastimes. She keeps touching Moca's nose and was quite distraught on Saturday morning because MoCa was sitting on a ledge that was too tall for K to reach her nose. I wonder why?
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
What a week!!!
What a week… We had the week with K as she didn’t have school and we took time from work. It was the first time we have ever stayed home for that long. We were unable to go on any trips as we were cat sitting for my kitty growing up (well overdue as my family always covers for our other girl when we go away– moca the goose)… The highlights:
- Going to look at lights on Christmas Eve on Fulton lane (staring at the moving reindeer and mimicking them). As I was leaving her room that night she told me Santa is coming. She definitely enjoyed his arrival!
- Christmas Day was just awesome. We hosted and had a really peaceful and fun day. K loved the present opening and all her presents. She completely got Christmas and spent most of the week enjoying her presents. The big theme was horses as she is addicted to anything having to do with horses..) She also loves getting new clothes and kept having to change every time she opened a present with clothes in it.
- Post Christmas sale shopping as a family. We spent some time wandering the shops and getting new clothes for everyone.
- Meeting a friend and going to the PA Junior Museum and playing with all the ball games.
- Meeting the mom’s group at the park
- Going to get dinner and coffee as a family
- Lounging around the house
- Getting to watch Sesame Street for the first time as a family
It was amazing how fast the week went!!!
K’s favorite new phrases from the week: I’ll do it, Mommy No, Dada Come now, I Love you THIS MUCH (arms outstretched)
- Going to look at lights on Christmas Eve on Fulton lane (staring at the moving reindeer and mimicking them). As I was leaving her room that night she told me Santa is coming. She definitely enjoyed his arrival!
- Christmas Day was just awesome. We hosted and had a really peaceful and fun day. K loved the present opening and all her presents. She completely got Christmas and spent most of the week enjoying her presents. The big theme was horses as she is addicted to anything having to do with horses..) She also loves getting new clothes and kept having to change every time she opened a present with clothes in it.
- Post Christmas sale shopping as a family. We spent some time wandering the shops and getting new clothes for everyone.
- Meeting a friend and going to the PA Junior Museum and playing with all the ball games.
- Meeting the mom’s group at the park
- Going to get dinner and coffee as a family
- Lounging around the house
- Getting to watch Sesame Street for the first time as a family
It was amazing how fast the week went!!!
K’s favorite new phrases from the week: I’ll do it, Mommy No, Dada Come now, I Love you THIS MUCH (arms outstretched)
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