Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Monday, August 30, 2010

The year of the wedding

K's second wedding of the year. And completely coincidentally both were Indian weddings which meant a lot of festivities... So fun and beautiful to be a part of... Here are a few shots from the second wedding which
took place this weekend.

So this is what it is like

Ok, so  now we know what it is like to have an eater... we have never had this issue with K as she has always been too busy to eat, but now we are quickly learning what it is like to have an eater, basically you need 10x the snacks you thought you needed and really just always have food ready.

Months ago I learned that sometimes if I needed a moment to get something done, and in the earlier stage of mobility where we needed to watch C like a hawk the best thing to do to keep her occupied was cut up a piece of fruit and put her in the highchair... even a few os could give you a moment to do dishes. I tried this again this morning when I needed to wash dishes before heading out... just pushed the highchair up to the sink and washed dishes between bites... here is our watermelon lover.

Week one

Week one was a smashing success... K loved it, loves her teacher, her new friends and is soo proud of her new school. We are, whoops I mean I am very relieved. It is so great to see her so excited and so big! We are impressed with her. Teacher's feedback... after week one, very bright, very social and well the last part is so true to her nature but about a little boy she is apparently taken under her wing as her charge... translation.. she is letting him know who he should play with and what games he can play... Her role as big sister is very very perfect for her... All in all we are proud if not a bit embarrased that she is a bit bossy... I guess the flip side is she is very positive and umm assertive. Some pics of day one.

Monday, August 23, 2010

A new era...

Today was the start of a new era... sorta... K began her first day as a kindergartner... So amazing. She was thrilled and could barely wait to get in the car. I wasn't quite sure I wanted to let her go... ok I was sure... this day came too soon. Our beautiful tiara wearing baby girl has grown up. Looking at her it was clear she was ready for this next stage and really excited. Her new backpack and lunchbox thanks to Gma S were pulled off her back so she could get in the car seat and she really ran in to the new school. She sat down, got right to work and enjoyed circle time..

When I asker her how the day was she said "fun, fun, fun, fun. But I only made two friends" She is in love and can't wait to go back...

We are not sure we are ready to let her go, but are so proud of her. K is a beautiful girl, a loving sister and has such a good heart. Our house has not had a moment of quiet since she arrived and we feel so blessed. Now another adventure begins! She is ready, but are we.

Monday, August 16, 2010


DACA is doing an awesome job turning K into a swimmer... we are so impressed! She resisted swim lessons for so long that we really let her take it at her own speed... the good news is she has the bug now and tries to spend every day in the pool... her skills are really improving and she is going to enjoy beach holidays even more now than ever!

Friday, August 13, 2010

K hanging with her family...

T's sis and two kids came to visit and spent some of their around the States tour at our house... K was thrilled to have so many people to boss around  play with. She loved it, especially as it meant lots of time with Gma C who has moved out and in with Aunt J. K had everyone playing princesses, star wars and singing songs from their schools. It was quite cute to watch her as she loves being with them so much and completely idolizes her older cousins. T took the kids to an A's game which K really enjoyed especially as she got to eat a bag of skittles... and we all had a lot of yummy meals and even went to SF for the day. K kept up with the rest of us and did amazing. C stayed home as it was just too long of a day for her. She was pretty excited to hang with Gma C as she is now at Nelly's most of the week.