Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
The countdown has begun...
We are taking K on her longest trip and plane flight ever... sixteen days in Asia and twenty hours on a plane... We are going to Cambodia to see the temples, heading to Bali for relaxation on the beach and spending a week in Singapore while T works... K and Mommy will be shopping, eating and pool hopping. Should be fun! Also the last hurrah before school starts on the 17th!
This weekend should have been a prep weekend for the trip... instead... we met friends on Friday night for dinner... K was delighted with the pizza... never eaten so much pizza in my life... I will have to switch to salads. I had orientation all day Sat... although before I left we went to Whole Foods as I thought they opened at 7... turns out they open at 8 and so we went to Peets for a coffee before pushing our little shopping cart throughout the store... A first time for me... being at a grocery store before they even open! T and K came and met me on campus and we spent some time at the water fountains before heading back to celebrate Pmogi's return with a yummy dinner and dessert. I made these souffle like chocolate lava cakes... which were great! Sunday K hung with Gma S and pmogi and we headed to Carmel for our yearly Carmel day (golf, shopping, coffee and fun restaraunts) with M&J.... We had a great time and tried a new restaraunt for us... Passion Fish... GREAT food and yummy wine...
This weekend should have been a prep weekend for the trip... instead... we met friends on Friday night for dinner... K was delighted with the pizza... never eaten so much pizza in my life... I will have to switch to salads. I had orientation all day Sat... although before I left we went to Whole Foods as I thought they opened at 7... turns out they open at 8 and so we went to Peets for a coffee before pushing our little shopping cart throughout the store... A first time for me... being at a grocery store before they even open! T and K came and met me on campus and we spent some time at the water fountains before heading back to celebrate Pmogi's return with a yummy dinner and dessert. I made these souffle like chocolate lava cakes... which were great! Sunday K hung with Gma S and pmogi and we headed to Carmel for our yearly Carmel day (golf, shopping, coffee and fun restaraunts) with M&J.... We had a great time and tried a new restaraunt for us... Passion Fish... GREAT food and yummy wine...
Friday, August 24, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
The fun continues...
I have been in the city for the last few days in meetings and had a big presentation yesterday so as I was in dire need of an eyebrow wax and a pedicure I decided to check out the places I walk by when I am walking into downtown... I went to the polished lounge for a pedicure... FANTASTIC! It is really beautiful and for some reason even reasonable at $25. I went into a water spa for my eyebrows as my standard esthetician and I have had conflicting schedules... It was a great two hour lunch break and a perfect way to refresh while I get through my last two days of crazy meetings.
K really wanted to ride the train again last night so we went back to Keplers to read more books and explore... She wanted to know where the sheep building station from a few months ago was... but was distracted by lots and lots of reading. Yesterday at school they had all gone to a water park and as a result she slept in an hour past her usual wake up giving me time to prep so when K woke up we could just have fun She requested more books and hide and seek...
Hide and seek is hilarious with K.. She tells me where to hide walks around the house asking where mommy is and then pops in to the spot she put me... or she has trouble counting and hiding... so she counts and hides at the same time...
K really wanted to ride the train again last night so we went back to Keplers to read more books and explore... She wanted to know where the sheep building station from a few months ago was... but was distracted by lots and lots of reading. Yesterday at school they had all gone to a water park and as a result she slept in an hour past her usual wake up giving me time to prep so when K woke up we could just have fun She requested more books and hide and seek...
Hide and seek is hilarious with K.. She tells me where to hide walks around the house asking where mommy is and then pops in to the spot she put me... or she has trouble counting and hiding... so she counts and hides at the same time...
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
train riding..
With Daddy out ,I decided to take K to one of my favorite cafes for dinner via train... Borrone is a two minute walk from the train station and right next to an awesome bookstore... Keplers. The kids section has a little train table and small chairs so K has been going there to play for quite a while... K loved the train and moved from row to row sitting on all the seats and looking out all the windows... She picked out a chocolate cookie, enjoyed a fresh squeezed oj and shared my basil, mozarella melt... She also wandered around checking out the water... and as it turns out her favorite part of the evening... looking at the parking lot. The parking lot wasn't what I expected to be her fav... but she had a great time and we quickly fed Smoky who we have been watching for two weeks before falling asleep. K wants to do the train again tomorrow... so maybe we will go and check out the parking lot again.
Monday, August 20, 2007
How we celebrate a normal weekend
We got a normal family weekend... hurrah... it has been a long time with studying, applications and travel... Here is how we spent it.
- K wanted a merry go round... I had no idea where one was outside of this little one at VF so we went to the mall and rode the ride again and again.
- Afterwards she got a chocolate at Sees and her lipstick done at Mac. She keeps asking me to do her lipstick like the man did it... Very funny.
- We met Daddy at Left Bank and had a fantastic lunch where she got to spread butter on bread all by herself. We finished with an ice cream at Ben & Jerrys.... At least four months since we shared a cone together.
- We went to Lemos Farm in Half Moon Bay and rode the ponies, jumped in the jumper and rode the ponies. I think K sat on six different ponies. Heaven.
- We went to the beach had a great picnic, wandered the beach and even climbed the rocks. Afterwards we went to the Ritz for K's first ever brownie sundae. We even snuck to the fresh fish market for incredible ahi and shrimp (for K). Summer dinners are always awesome.
- For the first time ever we made pizza at home. K loved being a chef, rolling out the dough, sprinkling everything on the crust and spreading flour around the counter. I think we will do that more often.
- We hit up the farmers market and local cafe for our standard Sunday fare.
- Spent time with Gma S and talked to Gma C on the phone.
Some funny comments:
Mommy... where is my diamond ring..
Hon you don't have a diamond ring. Ask Daddy.
After discussion with Daddy... I don't have a diamond ring... Daddy has to go get me one.
No idea how she learned about diamond rings.
Mommy... I am full have my banana... I look at the banana to see a bruise on the part she gave me. K sees me inspecting it and says Mommy... eat it... its good... Hmmm... I am not so sure!
- K wanted a merry go round... I had no idea where one was outside of this little one at VF so we went to the mall and rode the ride again and again.
- Afterwards she got a chocolate at Sees and her lipstick done at Mac. She keeps asking me to do her lipstick like the man did it... Very funny.
- We met Daddy at Left Bank and had a fantastic lunch where she got to spread butter on bread all by herself. We finished with an ice cream at Ben & Jerrys.... At least four months since we shared a cone together.
- We went to Lemos Farm in Half Moon Bay and rode the ponies, jumped in the jumper and rode the ponies. I think K sat on six different ponies. Heaven.
- We went to the beach had a great picnic, wandered the beach and even climbed the rocks. Afterwards we went to the Ritz for K's first ever brownie sundae. We even snuck to the fresh fish market for incredible ahi and shrimp (for K). Summer dinners are always awesome.
- For the first time ever we made pizza at home. K loved being a chef, rolling out the dough, sprinkling everything on the crust and spreading flour around the counter. I think we will do that more often.
- We hit up the farmers market and local cafe for our standard Sunday fare.
- Spent time with Gma S and talked to Gma C on the phone.
Some funny comments:
Mommy... where is my diamond ring..
Hon you don't have a diamond ring. Ask Daddy.
After discussion with Daddy... I don't have a diamond ring... Daddy has to go get me one.
No idea how she learned about diamond rings.
Mommy... I am full have my banana... I look at the banana to see a bruise on the part she gave me. K sees me inspecting it and says Mommy... eat it... its good... Hmmm... I am not so sure!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Bad mommy moment
K finally got through all her Europe treats last night... one of her favorites was this kitty toothbrush holder complete with hourglass... I thought a perfect thing to keep teeth brushing battles at bay.... Today she took it to school and as I was leaving I picked it up to take it home to keep it safe... K burst into tears because she really wanted to keep it at school. I said no... I have to take it home. As I got out of the car... you guessed it... the toothbrush holder flew out of my hands and on to the garage floor. The hourglass broke off. OH NO! I grabbed super glue from the garage... grateful for my stocking skills. Unfortunately I have never used super glue and it didn't stick. I also thought while I was being domestic I could fix this bear spoon she bought last year in Belgium... Not only is the hourglass not back on the bear spoon is still in two pieces. Let's hope she doesn't ask for the cat before bed. Thank goodness T's trip was delayed until tomorrow... I need Daddy superstar.
After doing a quick tally of breakables brought home from Europe... I have one painting, one fruit bowl, nine candles, a sugar holder, a server set, four condiment bowls. two cheese knives, a ballerina snow globe that security tried to take from me... they aren't allowed in carry on... and an espresso set with spoons. How could my toothbrush holder break in the garage after all this made it home... When I showed T the breakables that I had to carry on he said great shopping found some great stuff.... I had to point out that this was only the breakables... My other shopping is still packed. I finished unpacking last night...
After doing a quick tally of breakables brought home from Europe... I have one painting, one fruit bowl, nine candles, a sugar holder, a server set, four condiment bowls. two cheese knives, a ballerina snow globe that security tried to take from me... they aren't allowed in carry on... and an espresso set with spoons. How could my toothbrush holder break in the garage after all this made it home... When I showed T the breakables that I had to carry on he said great shopping found some great stuff.... I had to point out that this was only the breakables... My other shopping is still packed. I finished unpacking last night...
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
One word... WOW
Paris was incredible... We started each morning with cafe cremes, baguettes and crossaints... We went to great sites like Versailles (let's just say if Louis XIV couldn't sleep he counted ounces of gold and not sheep), the d'Orsay for a special exhibit, Notre Dame and Montmarte. We spent a ton of time wandering the city stumbling on shops, eating at cafes including the Ritz, Laduree, the top of the Pompidu, and of course, Crepes Suzette. The food was fantastic everywhere we went... not only did we try places we have loved from past trips we found even more places and more importantly more crepes to love. We wandered through the gardens and most of all we shopped. As pmogi mentioned halfway into our shopping we have lots of souvenirs from our trip... It won't be forgotten... especially since I returned with four times the amount of stuff I left with... Umm, let's just say I haven't started unpacking... from the person who normally is unpacked before we go to bed the day we return... I am not going to say anymore about the shopping or list any of the shops we visited for the fear of sounding like a shopaholic. We took Eurostar to Paris (my first time) and it was great. Not only is it really easy to check in and out of it is really nice. I kept trying to see when we went into the Chunnel, but missed it. Ahh well... another reason to return Paris.
Being home is fantastic! K and T met me at the airport and as soon as K saw me her arms started flying and she started moving around in Daddy's arms... We spent the evening attached at the hip... showering together, reading books, checking out the airport and finally going to bed at the same time due to a sleepy mommy. While reading books she just kept looking at me rather than the book... whenever she is this quiet I ask her what she is thinking about. So I asked her what she was thinking about ... she said Mommy. It is great to be home with her. Daddy did a great job and now has to head off for his work travels while me and K catch up... Ahh!
Being home is fantastic! K and T met me at the airport and as soon as K saw me her arms started flying and she started moving around in Daddy's arms... We spent the evening attached at the hip... showering together, reading books, checking out the airport and finally going to bed at the same time due to a sleepy mommy. While reading books she just kept looking at me rather than the book... whenever she is this quiet I ask her what she is thinking about. So I asked her what she was thinking about ... she said Mommy. It is great to be home with her. Daddy did a great job and now has to head off for his work travels while me and K catch up... Ahh!
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
After quite a trek we made it to Dubrovnik... One word... stunning! We bummed on the beaches, had awesome food, walked the walls, shopped and shopped, checked out the little alleys, sipped cappucinos and relaxed. The Adriatic was beautiful and such a neat experience it rates up there with Santorini and the Amalfi Coast.
Today I went into London and met T's sis and had a fabulous time. We had an incredible meal with a wonderful chocolate souffle, hit up the Royal Academy for a great Impressionist exhibit, shopped in Covent Garden and New Bond Street. We ended the day with yummy drinks in Covent Garden in the smoke free bars. They just got rid of smoking in July so it was my first time enjoying a drink in London without cigarettes. Felt like NY.
K is doing awesome... working hard on dropping her nighttime diaper with Daddy as we have hores ride inspiration. She talks with me everytime I call and has been doing all her favs... shopping at whole foods, going to hobees for breakfast, playing on the swings, taking baths and playing with Grandma S. Daddy pizza is a superstar! I miss them both loads and loads, but am trying to enjoy this incredible experience. Back to London tomorrow for a few meetings, shopping and some sights. We leave for Paris late tomorrow night before I come back early next week. Pics to follow!
Today I went into London and met T's sis and had a fabulous time. We had an incredible meal with a wonderful chocolate souffle, hit up the Royal Academy for a great Impressionist exhibit, shopped in Covent Garden and New Bond Street. We ended the day with yummy drinks in Covent Garden in the smoke free bars. They just got rid of smoking in July so it was my first time enjoying a drink in London without cigarettes. Felt like NY.
K is doing awesome... working hard on dropping her nighttime diaper with Daddy as we have hores ride inspiration. She talks with me everytime I call and has been doing all her favs... shopping at whole foods, going to hobees for breakfast, playing on the swings, taking baths and playing with Grandma S. Daddy pizza is a superstar! I miss them both loads and loads, but am trying to enjoy this incredible experience. Back to London tomorrow for a few meetings, shopping and some sights. We leave for Paris late tomorrow night before I come back early next week. Pics to follow!
Thursday, August 02, 2007
I made it to Cambridge yesterday to begin the mogi adventure. We had an incredible day!We started our adventure touring the chapel at Kings College, climbing a very worn and spiral staircase into the laregest vaults in the world and going up to the roof to take in Cambridge. A mogi adventure is only complete with a little history and a little shopping so we headed into the town to buy some beautiful presents and wander the town market for the largest rasberries we have ever seen. We continued our adventure by walking through the countryside to have tea at The Orchard in Grantchester. The walk went along the river Cam, fields full of cows and blackberry bushes which we had to pick... Good thing T wasn't here... you should see the way he picked berries at his Mom's home in Oregon. The place we had tea is the same place literary legends such as Virginia Wolf wrote and had tea... It was fantastic. We continued our adventure wandering through gardens and the personal highlight and lowlight of the day, punting in the River Cam. The boat platform was rather wet when it was my turn to punt and so I was struggling with balance... while working on balance another boat collided into us... and over I went... A rather freezing swim and ride back to the College with many good laughs... My poor dkny shoes the ones I have worn since I was pregnant and follow me to every city are sitting in the window drying... As in proper mogi fashion... we hurried back to recover from my disaster (unlike pmogi who is an incredible punter) to the b bar for a little coffee and dessert. An awesome first day.
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