Sunday, March 25, 2007

What a trip

Highlights from K:

- Seeing Grandma C!!!!!!!!!
- Feeding ducks in St James Park (not getting bit like the swan feeding in Hyde Park in Dec)
- Running around the National Gallery
- Crawling on the lions at Trafalgar Square
- Remembering where the swings are at Hyde Park and getting to go back
- Taking snuggly naps on Mommy and Daddy
- Seeing the royal horses
- Not having jet lag
- Jumping on the stairs in St Pauls
- Saying thank you for MoCa, Mama and Dada at the prayer benches in Westminister Abbey
- Getting to sit on the little chairs at the Tate Modern and playing in the mirrored sliding doors exhibit
- Going to see Aunt S's show at the National Portrait Gallery
- Walking on the Millenium Bridge and looking at the boats on the Thames
- Seeing Big Ben in the sun (for a brief moment)
- Picking out horses, cats and dogs in all the museuems

Monday, March 19, 2007

Fun at Shoreline Park

An adventure ahead

Off for an adventure tomorrow. K is sooo excited to see Grandma C that I doubt she will pay any attention to us parents once we are off the plane...

A funny story from the weekend... I got my first time out... K had me come over to the wall and look at her while she took my chin in her hand and made eye contact... Mommy time out! No pick K's shirt. No pick K's pants... K picks shirt and pants. Ok? Ok? You can move... And just like that I had my first time out ever.

Earlier in the morning I heard K telling T --- we have to go to Paris. Bunny is in Paris. Again tonight we talked about finding a bunny in Paris. So we have scrapped our Portugal Spain plans... the fashionista needs to get to Paris.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Monday, March 12, 2007

Getting there...

We are slowly getting there. It is great to have taken the GMAT for the first time. I will take it one more time to see how I do after a review class. The last time I worked with a tutor three times a week, but thought the formal class might help me get the 800 I want... =) I am still working on my applications for bus school and will have one in this Wednesday but will wait until after we return from our trip for the second app.

The most awesome thing about the process (if there can be an awesome thing for endless hours of studying) is all the great support I got through the process. Pmogi came and met me for countless study dates with lattes, my mom stayed with K after she was in bed every night for the last few weeks so T and I could study and T was just awesome in all the hours he spent helping me study. Thank you to everyone for all their kind thoughts! I really appreciate everything.

We leave for Europe next Tuesday! It has been so busy that I just booked our hotel for London today. We are planning to go on to Paris and are trying to pick a third location. Right now Venice is leading the list, but we are not sure. We will finalize all that this weekend. I am looking forward to some quality time as a family. I have been so swamped in the studying that I have missed a number of fun family events.

K is excited about seeing Grandma in London and told me today that she plans to ride a horse to get there.... She also keeps telling us which toys she has to carry over there. We will be bringing a separate suitcase for all the toys.

weekend highlights from K's perspective

- Playing with Tay Tay!!! Jumping in my bed and throwing stuffed animals at mommy and Taylor's mommy to catch. Eating edamamamamame with T. T's mommy calls it edamame - strange. I corrected her on the right way to say edamamamame.
- Having Daddy push me in my car so I could go visit all the neighborhood parks.
- Drawing with mommy and finally getting some time with Mommy...
- Seeing Pmogi and Gma for dinner. Having pmogi buy me hop hop crackers. My favorite!
- Eating an ice cream on Mommy's lap with my ice cream spoon.
- Having twee twee give me extra stamps on my hand.
- Drawing at the coffee shop while enjoying my whipped cream.
- Waving to the trains in downtown.
- Talking on the phone to everyone who calls the house.
- Most of all... enjoying the beautiful blue sky (which I pointed out to mommy and daddy) and getting to wear sandals with no socks!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

no posts

No posts for a few days... Consumed with GMAT studying.... Test is on Friday. Think good thoughts!

K is awesome and slept in this morning to help us recuperate from all the late night tutor sessions... She is changing our message daily with a leave a message beep bye greeting. It is very cute.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Do you ever have one of those moments?

Where you look at your litle one and say I can't believe you are mine! Look at the way you eat you are amazing. Clearly brilliant.... how did we get you to this point... I had one of those mornings. K was having an off period earlier this week (they seem to occur every month or two where she is on trigger tears. How dare you put that spoon that way? I will cry for that and about everything else. My day is ruined....) We seem to be back in normal mode and so I am very excited! Hence the return of the feeling of having one of the best kids ever.

Also had a funny Bay Area moment yesterday. T and I met for coffee yesterday in Sharon Heights. We wandered into a kids store and the storekeeper was having a conversation about some local school not having homework and how great this was. A shopper immediately launched into how horrible this was.... etc. We were minding our own business and the mom asked us from the other side of the store whether our kids went to this school. We mentioned well our child is 2 no school yet. Immediately a chance to compare notes about which preschool our child will attend. We said we didn't have her signed up quite yet... uncomfortable pause followed by the mom reminding us about the wait lists really filling up before the baby is born. Although she followed with saying that it is ok preschool is not necessary I definitely left the shop feeling as if that wasn't actually what she thought. Strange!

this week in pictures