K is not very giving with her kisses these days so I started asking her whether she wanted a kiss or a tickle before I leave. The tickles have become so fun that she only wants tickles. If she gets an owwie, she wants a tickle instead of a kiss to make it feel better. The funniest part about this is that she loves to tell us when she is done with the tickle. Sometimes before we even start tickling she is telling us she is done... About a second later she is asking for more. Now we have to figure out how to get our kisses back.
The transition to school is not going very well. She is going for 45 minutes - 1 hour a day to get her comfortable. On Friday she cried as soon as we got to the door and asked Mama to push her on the swing and then proceeded to cry horribly on my shoulder for twenty minutes. Today when I asked if she wanted to go to school she said no a number of times and cried getting into the car, when we pulled up to the school and 90% of the time I was there for the drop off. It isn't going well yet, but the woman is very good with it and keeps reminding me that it is normal. The bummer about this is that the first day she went by herself she stopped sleeping through the night. She was up 7 times that night and got up for the day much earlier than normal. She has continued to get up 1-3 times a night since, which is disappointing since she was such a good sleeper.
K got to be a big helper this weekend as we had to take MoCa to the doctor as she wasn't able to use one of her paws. She spent most of the weekend talking about MoCa's paw and MoCa having to go to the doctor because of her owwie.
Two more of K's molars are in.
K got a new horse this weekend and loves it. It goes everywhere with her. She is very very into horses and so this season's clothes include a number of horse shirts and sweaters.
She is getting much stronger and able to hold hang on to bars and swing, climb more and more things and explore things she was afraid to try before. She is also getting very good at developing her vocab and putting together sentences together and is very funny about mimicing things. One of her funniest phrases is oh nooo..
She is also developing a great interest in Elmo (not sure where it came from) but we bought her some elmo crackers which she was very excited about and is always checking to see if Elmos is on tv.