We had an amazing weekend as a family. We had the opportunity to take advantage of our pool for the last four days running, enjoy yummy gelato and sip tasty coffees near air conditioning.
D,M,T & A came over yesterday for some pool fun, followed by light rail into town for gelato. The ice cream was yummy, but what was even better was getting drenched by the tap water that happened to fall out of the girls cups and on to their clothes. Accidents I am sure!
On Sat Tmobro was eating a popsicle and sharing with K. K demanded that MaMa hold the popsicle and DaDa just have bites. Apparently she felt I am the only one that can share ice cream with her as Tmobro never eats ice cream.
We met M&J for a coffee and the farmers market in the morning and had a great time enjoying a coffee. K even let us sit for 40 minutes while we drank our coffees. I am amazed that although she is non-stop she seems to stay rather close to us where ever we are. K insisted I sit in Twee Twee's Nemo chair and did her usual musical chairs starting at the corner and working her way to the middle to watch TT make balloons for the kids at the market.
The best part of the weekend was yesterday when we got home after a day in the sun and turned on the AC. We tried to avoid it as much as possible because of the spare the air, flex your power campaigns, but coming in to a cool house and lounging on the bed reading Goodnight Gorilla was amazing!
K has learned to smile on demand. If you ask her to give a smile, her face lights up. SO COOL! We have a drama kitty in the making. She is also quite funny about mimicking us. I said oh my early yesterday morning and heard a little oh my echo. I looked at T mobro because I couldn't believe she said it, but yes the oh my was coming from the goose.
The other funny thing is the way she cares for all her kitties and MoCa. We were out with SR last night talking about what a mini mommy she really is. K got up at 5:30 on Sat morning and demanded to go and find MoCa. We had to give her treats and K even took them outside to see if MoCa would eat the treats from the front door. She loves to tuck all her animals and MaMa in night-night throughout the day. We also always get offers for water and snacks.
Malcolm had his first bath this weekend. K didn't want to get into her drawn bath and so I asked if Malcolm would. She informed me he wanted to and so I suggested she take a bath with Malcolm. She agreed. Funny how I feel so empowered when I am able to get these sorts of things accomplished with no tears. It seems like the equivalent of a major workout, a project completion etc.
We took light rail and the train to Cafe Borrone and Keplers on spare the air day. K loved the train and when we were sitting waiting for it to come threw her hands in the air while saying choo choo to ask where was the choo choo. The where expression and hand gestures are hilarious.
We also got some lovely dinners out just the two of us and enjoyed being out in fantastic warm evening weather! The big plus for hot days. I even had a nice shopping adventure with Pmogi. VERY FUN to be out relaxing checking things out with no diaper bag and just a purse.